Planning > Tuesday october 8th
8:45-9:30 - Review, exchanges an prospects Session (Bilans, Interactions, Prospectives - BIP): contaminants and contaminations by Robert Chenorkian
9:30-12:30 - Session on the inter-disciplinary approach in the OHM
Chairmen : François-Michel Letourneau + Damien Davy.
Introduction by Robert Chenorkian (15mn)
- Interdisciplinarity and sustainable development. Feedback on 10 years of research at the OHM Rhône Valley by Carole Barthélémy, Emeline Comby, Marylise Cottet, H.Piegay
- A history of the human chemical "fingerprint" in the French Pyrenees by Gael Leroux.
10:45-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:30 - Second part of the session on the inter-disciplinary approach in the OHM
Discussion time
12:30-1:30pm - Lunch
Departure at 2:00 pm just outside the ENS
14:00-18:00 pm - Technical field visits
- The Crépieux Charmy drinking water production site : The Rhone and the drinking water issues - Anne Perrissin (Métropole de Lyon), Frédéric Morand (Eau du Grand Lyon), Laurence Volatier (UMR 5023 LEHNA), Florian Mermillod-Blondin (UMR 5023 LEHNA)
- Miribel-Jonage : Sediment management and ecological restoration of the Rhône - Marion Guibert (Grand Parc Miribel Jonage), Pierre Marmonier (UMR 5023 LEHNA), Jean-Michel Olivier (UMR 5023 LEHNA), Hugo Delile (Irstea), Jérôme Le Coz (Irstea), Mathieu Cassel (UMR 5600 EVS)
20h – Gala dinner at "La Brasserie du Musée des confluences"